Schools of Educational Philosophy

   Eminent educators on the philosophy of education have tried to reduce philosophies to a limited number of types or "schools" of philosophical thought .

Classification by different authors :
  • Rusk classifies schools of philosophy into Naturalism,Idealism and scepticism but later he dismissed the     last and added pragmatism as fourth category .
  • J.D.Bulter classifies his philosophical thought into Naturalism, Idealism,Realism,Pragmatism .
  • R.C.Lodge classifies in the same manner omitting Naturalism.
  • J.S.Brubacher groups Educational Philosophy as progressive and traditional or Essentialism .

The four main schools of philosophy are as follows :
  • Idealism
  • Naturalism
  • Pragmatism
  • Existentialism

Idealism : Prof.Hornie pointed out that the term "Idealism" has been derived from two distinct sources - on the one hand it comes from the word "idea",on the other from "ideal".The words idea,ideal and ideology all came into the vocabulary of philosophy from the Greek world.These three words ,have in common the fact that they refer to something in which,figuratively,things seen by us differs from each other.
     Plato made the word 'idea' most celebrated in philosophy.What is in human mind is an idea according to him .For example "house" becomes an idea in our mind only after we have already formulated the characteristics which are essential to a house . There are four important characteristics of a house.A house must have floor,doors,windows and walls . Without the knowledge of the four charateristics of house ,we develop only a vague notion about house,and not an idea .

Essence of Idealism :
  • Idealism regards man as a spiritual being .
  • The world of ideas and values are more important than the world of matter .
  • This world is the expression of mind .
  • The world is not purposeless.It is a purposeful creation .
  • Values are absolute and fixed .
  • Human life has its aim. It is not aimless .
Naturalism : It is developed in 19th century.Naturalism is the oldest philosophy.It is the philosophical position,says Rusk,adopted by those who approach philosophy from the purely scientific standpoint.They tend to carry natural laws into the spiritual world and apply them to human experience and materials.In other words,the laws of nature must underline the life,thought and history of man.

Essence of Naturalism :
  • Nature alone is the reality
  • Return to nature
  • Unchanging laws of nature explain all the events and occurrences of world.
  • The naturalists consider the universe as a huge machine.Man is a part of this machine and a complete machine in himself.
Pragmatism : The pragmatic method is primarily a method of solving metaphysical disputes which are unending.It is a method wherein one looks away from first principles and looks toward last last things,or consequences of action.It is basically an attitude or a frame of mind and not a body of ideas.

Essence of Pragmatism :
  • The reality of change over permanence.
  • The reality of value.
  • The social and biological nature of man.
  • The importance of democracy as a way of life.
  • The value of critical intelligence in all human conduct.
Existentialism : It has many implications for students and teachers.It seeks to create certain consciousness and attitude about learning.The existentialists know that physical reality exists;they also know that science is a necessary and careful part of the curriculum.
The personalities associated with the development of existentialism are :
  • Soren Kierkegaard
  • Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Jean-Paul Sarte.


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