This article briefs on micro-teaching , one of the most widely accepted ways of learning to teach.
Micro Teaching is a technique in which a teacher make use of one specific teaching skill at a time, so that he/she attains mastery on teaching.
The techniques like.........
- Introducing a particular topic,
- questioning about the topic,
- explaining,
- Writing on the black board,
- Using teaching aids and so on .
In this micro teaching a teacher can also learn nonverbal behavioural skills such as.........
- Smiling,
- Nodding and
- Gesturing.
These teaching skills can be defined, practised, observed, controlled, measured and evaluated.
Microteaching is a teacher training technique but not a teaching method. It is a real teaching but reduces the classroom complexities. It is a scaled down process in which class size, class time and content is limited.
- Practising one teaching skill at a time,
- Limiting the content to a single concept,
- Reducing the class size,
- Reducing the duration of the lesson.
The teacher trainee should plan for the lesson and use each teaching skill at a time. After each skill a feedback is given and if the skill is not achieved, the trainee is asked to re plan and reteach . This is repeated until he/she is mastery over the skill achieved .
It is a supplement to a teaching-training programme, which gives an achievement by providing feedback to the trainees.
Microteaching is a cyclic process of

The steps in Micro Teaching Cycle:
This involves selection of the skill to be practised, awareness of the components of the skill, selection of a suitable concept and the writing of a micro lesson plan.
The trainee teaches the lesson in the micro teaching setting.
To know more about microteaching check these links:;year=1993;volume=39;issue=3;spage=142;epage=3;aulast=Ananthakrishnan;year=1993;volume=39;issue=3;spage=142;epage=3;aulast=Ananthakrishnan
Is it compulsory to do for every non attending students also
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